Commercial Flooring Is Refreshingly Eco-Friendly, Durable, and High-Tech

There is a variety of commercial flooring available depending on your unique needs and preferences. However, how do you choose between carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and tile?

Carpeting Technologies

Carpet is one of the more popular choices for commercial use, and because there are many hues and designs of available carpeting, you can easily match the look of your space while offering several additional benefits. All of today’s major carpet brands are perfect for areas that can expect some kind of spillage, as the materials are treated with advanced soil-resistance technology. In addition, many modern products are eco-friendly because they are sourced from renewable materials. Several brands bring you a much softer version that is still imbued with anti-stain properties, and it is even possible to find fine, strong wool carpeting that is hypoallergenic.


The right flooring look is an important foundation to any room. You may be looking to freshen up or modernize a space, to create an inviting place for your employees to interact with each other, or to find something sturdy enough to stand up to heavy use. Whatever your plan, it’s important to consider a few things:

– What activities are performed at your business each day? An office whose employees sit at their desks for work all day may need a different type of floor from a restaurant whose employees run food to and from the kitchen.

– Will this flooring area see heavy foot traffic? Most of today’s carpets offer built-in technology to repel stains.

– Will clients be seeing all areas of your business? A high-traffic area designated for client use will need something that cleans easily while looking great, but you might not need stain-proof carpeting in areas that see less foot traffic.

– Do you want a warranty? Some hardwood options come with a warranty of up to 50 years, as modern technology includes nanoparticles to help it look beautiful for years.


Choosing a good brand of laminate, hardwood, ceramic, or carpet can make all the difference, as these options are typically far less work for you to maintain. In addition, when it comes to certain types of flooring, the surface can potentially be eco-friendly, easy to clean, and allergen-free. Your customers will love these benefits, and you can even put up a sign in your business to advertise that you have used eco-friendly materials in your remodel. When making your selection, be sure to look for added technology that can keep away marks, scuffs, and scratches.

No matter which type of commercial flooring you choose, be sure to pick one that has the most long-term durability and that adds to the decor of your business.
