Why to Choose Engineered Hardwood Floors

The engineered hardwood floors can be used in those areas where solid wood cannot be used. This type of wood is ideal to be used in slightly damp and moisture prone environment because they are stable in moisture condition. Unlike solid woods, the engineered hardwood does not get damaged in the damp environment.

There are a number of reasons for choosing engineered hardwood floors for your home. These reasons are mentioned below.

Easy maintenance:

The best thing about this type of wood is that they are easy to maintain. They do not require high cost for maintenance. They save not only your hard earn money, but also save your precious time.

Unlike hard engineered wood, solid wood requires special care to maintain its appearance and luster. The scratch marks start to appear in the natural wood with the passage of time. These woods are also damaged in the water and moisture condition. They need to be re-surfaced again and again. Sometimes, re-staining is also required to maintain the appearance of these products.

Hence, engineered floors are manufactured in such a way that they are pre-coated to protect them from all the damages experienced by the solid wood floors.

Easy installation:

The installation of this type of floor is very easy. If you know the basic techniques, you can install them by yourselves at home. This type of flooring can be glued, nailed or stapled together. They can also be installed as a floating floor. The floating floor is easy to transport in case of moving your home to another place. You have to simply remove the floor and take it with you.

Low cost:

These are available in different designs and styles with an affordable price range. The price depends on the selection of the wood specie for your floor. It also depends on the quality, but generally the engineered wood floors are cheaper than the solid wood floors.


This type of wood lasts longer as compared to the solid woods. If you are planning to buy an unfinished engineered wood floor, ensure that you install high quality of seal and stain on them. The thickness of the surface layer also predicts the durability of the material.


So, there are a number of benefits of installing engineered hardwood floors in your homes. You can re-finish this floor, which will make it long-lasting. You should take good of the floor by regular cleaning from dust and stains to make them long-lasting.
